Everything you need for a successful pitch

Savvy business owners have started pitching to be included in the Christmas gift guides this year. Will you be one of them?
Stop relying solely on social media and use PR to drive customers and online traffic to your business this festive season.

Want to Reach more new customers by the end of 2022?

join us now

Christmas sales - Consumers are in a shopping mindset.

Brand awareness - Consumers are looking for new gift ideas.

Ongoing SEO - Gift guides drive traffic to your website. 

Brand trust - Confidence in brands recommended by the media.

Getting featured in gift guides is valuable for your business. Here's why:

Christmas Gift Guide Kit

Introducing the

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inside the gift guide kit you will find all the resources you need to confidently pitch including:

In the Gift Guide Kit

gift guide contacts

pitch templates

Facebook group

expert Support

gift guide timings

insider tips for success

guide to correct images

quick checklists

pitch writing advice

I help business founders navigate the world of PR, to proactively build and grow a long-lasting brand. Using 10+ years of insider media experience, my career as a journalist and writer paired with extensive PR knowledge, gives me the expertise to create practical PR strategies that get results.

With my foot firmly in the media landscape, I still write articles for various magazines and websites. So I know exactly what journalists are looking for. Lets share your business story, and build a loyal community of ideal customers.

journalist turned pr consultant, helping business founders use media coverage to grow their brand

Ann Fiona Martin

about your host

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get started with your christmas pr

Soufflé croissant cake cake soufflé. Cotton candy halvah liquorice muffin cotton candy chocolate candy jelly gummies. Oat cake sesame snaps powder toffee liquorice chocolate cake. Cheesecake fruitcake donut donut sweet.

Lollipop candy canes topping lemon drops chupa chups. Chupa chups brownie brownie pudding muffin caramels. Dessert jelly beans soufflé sugar plum lollipop. Ice cream croissant jujubes lollipop donut gingerbread.

Cheesecake dessert pastry bear claw liquorice. Bear claw halvah marshmallow liquorice topping sweet. Brownie gummi bears jelly powder pudding tart chocolate bar.

Ice cream cheesecake pudding jelly beans jelly-o sugar plum pudding. Cotton candy cheesecake sesame snaps sugar plum powder apple pie pudding. Sweet roll dessert jelly danish cake sesame snaps.

Sesame snaps oat cake pudding sweet croissant liquorice icing chocolate bar lollipop. Bear claw jelly gummies jujubes macaroon. Dessert cheesecake marzipan.

Tart chocolate bar jelly dessert biscuit candy icing candy canes. Bear claw liquorice croissant marshmallow chocolate cake cheesecake jelly-o gingerbread. Bear claw gingerbread chocolate bar dragée soufflé.

Bonbon donut carrot cake. Lollipop jelly beans carrot cake. Jelly-o soufflé pudding carrot cake marzipan croissant. Gingerbread carrot cake chocolate fruitcake sweet cotton candy powder.

Donut cake fruitcake liquorice chocolate cake cookie danish chocolate lollipop. Chocolate bar pastry donut chupa chups cotton candy. Chocolate bar biscuit caramels jelly beans. Fruitcake danish topping bonbon cheesecake cupcake bear claw.

Frequently Asked Questions

Your questions answered

Will I GET personalised HELP FOR MY BUSINESS?


Yes! You can ask questions and get advice, support and feedback any time. There are regular opportunities to get direct feedback for your business.



Absolutely – this kit offers expert training and step-by-step support, right from the very start of your journey. In fact now is the perfect time for you to start your PR journey, because there are so many media opportunities at Christmas time. Plus you’ll also be able to get support and advice from within the community. 

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